2.1 - maximum number of pulses allowed per dot extended (pen settings) - zoom via mouse-wheel uses mosue position as centre point - tools shown in toolbars now can be configured via machine settings - added new identifiers to beammenu.oem to disable plug-ins - menu "Project" extended by function to quickly reload the last projects used - changes in MQTT/SmartIF/Hermes interfaces no longer require a restart - maximum repeat count increased to 10000 - Circle primary element extended by an optional second radius to create nested circles - added option in multihead-configuration to halt the whole marking process until a tool-change has been confirmed - custom tool-change commands can be defined in GCode plug-ins - added support for cylindric editing area - added button to mark-dialogue to override an external stop - Schneider/IMS MDrive now also can be used via E1803D on-board serial interface - allow host-side "marking active signal" also when controller supports a hardware signal - added option to machine settings to disable 3D view - fixed text width issue in case of line spacing !=100% and right/centre alignment - fixed issue in enabling XY2-100E mode for E1803D - fixed issue in hatcher when doing vertical zig-zag hatches - fixed issue in slicer which randomly could drop some single slices - fixed bug when duplicating several selected objects at once - corrected direction of mouse-wheel based zoom - mouse-wheel behaviour corrected, now always applies to underlying elements - fixed timing issue with process-control plug-ins, changed pen parameters now result in immediate reaction - fixed bug with marking active signal when stop is pressed - FWDownloader: file name issue fixed which could lead to illegal names on SD-card 2.0 - fixed text length issue when using laser vector fonts - added option to machine settings to disable editable centre point - added new translation to ukrainian language - added option to 3D Slice Group to use alternative pens for hatch and contour when a configurable digital input is set - fixed memory leak in Text primary element - E1701M stepper and Z-shifter plug-ins: fixed bug in calculation of maximum speed - added dialogue to turn on/off laser independent from any geometry - added button to mark-dialogue to override an external stop - fixed issue in handling of proces-control plug-ins - fixed crash in barcode data handling - added new serial number placeholders to represent year and month with a single character - ScannerAdjust: added wizard to convert measured distortions into appropriate angles 1.9 - added option "Pen" in tab-pane "Element" to have own pen settings with manually drawn 2D elements - plug-in "GCode Controller (Ethernet)" extended to support custom commands prior to start of new marking operation - added option to tab-pane "Element" to choose the spot/tool alignment for the geometry independent from the used pen - added new generic shape "Circle" for clean slice element - new plug-in "GCode Controller (Serial)" for generic and GRBL controllers - added function to watch interlock/emergency stop signal - added option to general motion settings to define axes order of referencing - missing dependency between laser delay and sky writing parameters added to GUI - increased pilot laser speed in case of real element shape preview - speed of slicing of 3D models increased - speed of removing of old slices from a 3D model increased dramatically - memory consumption reduced - support for OpenGL 1.x removed, requiring at least OpenGL3.0 now - Slice Cleaner element extended, now beside concatenated slices also the first slice or a rectangle can be used as cleaning shape - added option to motion settings to let axes move back to position they were at the beginning - UNDO/REDO function optimised to cause less data transfers - added function to extrude geometries to closed 3D meshes - fixed issue in 3D view which could cause a crash under some conditions - issue fixed with pilot laser correction settings in multihead-mode - E1701C: issue fixed in case of a dot and milling mode, now diving into the material is done properly - UNDO/REDO bug fixed which caused loss of data when Ctrl-X/Y is pressed while an input element is focused - fixed bug in scannercontroller motion plug-in when LP8 is used as output - fixed crash in pen settings dialogue in case of some specific configurations - fixed spot-alingment issue in multihead-environments - corrected inaccuracy in spot-size for spot-alignment function - bug fixed of Delay element sometimes not executed properly when followed by a Custom Input element - fixed bug when comparing strings that come from E1803D card - available IOs corrected for E1803D and E1701x 1.8 - added new function to collapse or expand all nodes at once in element tree - added support for several new 3D file formats like Biovision BVH (.bvh), 3D Studio Max (.3ds .ase), Sense8 WorldToolkit / Neutral File Format (.nff), LightWave (.lwo .lws) - auto-disable data optimisation in case of hatches which have to be left untouched to gain proper marking results - E1701C: fixed issue in calculation of maximum Z speed - E1701A/D/C/E1803D: introduced new PWM option for MOPA lasers for variable pulse width controlled via LaserA - maximum factor of scanner-card controlled stepper motor expanded to 500000 - added option to home position settings to override a manual stop and to let the scanner jump to home in every case - fixed focussing-bug in Text primary element (font selector combo box could not be switched via cursor keys) - fixed crash when importing and selecting several 3D models after each other - fixed issue in beam-compensated hatching - fixed displaying issue when slanting elements - fixed issue when translating multiple selected elements 1.7 - added option to 3D slice group to use pens from 3D meshes - added option to Motion element to perform asynchronous movements - added support for Additive Manufacturing File format (AMF) - added option "Real 3D" to turn on/off usage of Z-coordinate during slicing also when 3D scanhead is used - added function to slice group pen definitions for contour and hatch to repeat them several times - added option in machine settings to hide parameter-tab for support structure generation - added possibility to assign up to five pens to one element which then are processed successively - added tile drop offset function to hatch additional element - added options to pen parameter wizard to set own hatch angle and distance values - added new function sf_if_wx_send_trace_data() to libsmartfactory - do not let GUI be pushed to background frequently - fixed bug in frequency handling of E1701A/C/D and E1803D - fixed bug in direct editing of element vertex coordinates - fixed positioning issue when setting new size for an element - ensure proper operation of Undo/Redo menu shortcuts - fixed issue when sliding through layers of a sliced 3D model - fixed issue when loading several 3MF files - fixed unit issue (inch/mm) when using 3MF file format - fixed error in GCode import function for files that end with M2 command 1.6 - added option to configure the delay after MO for IPG-style lasers for E1701x, E1803D, RTC3, RTC4, RTC5, RTC6 scanner cards - 3D Slice parameters simplified, no need to select flat/real 3D any more - added option to Hatcher to split the hatch pattern in separate tiles with optional overlap - added new function to CorrCorrect to calculate correction out of a grid of measured positions - element parameters can be changed over several selected elements at the same time - keep last used parameters of a 3D slice group - fixed bug in applying hatches to slices and support structures of 3D slice groups - fixed crash when using motion elements and motion tab-pane at the same time - fixed bug when changing line-pattern of geometries to a non-continuous type - fixed bug in Z-correction calculation of E1701A/D and E1803D scanner cards - fixed issue in memomry handling which in some cases resulted in sporadic "out of memory" messages - E1701M stepper driver and focus shifter: fixed issue in speed limit settings 1.5 - added support for E1701C CNC controller - added 3D slice cleaner element to perform a cleaning-cycle between slices - added option to elements to mark contour prior to hatch - added support for E1701C CNC controller - added possibility to loop a project via option in build-dialogue - added import function for 2D image and vector file formats - hatch element modified to work with negative custom beamcompensation values that overlap the contour of the element - added option for 3D support structures to generate them down to bottom of editing area - added options for dot offset and dot-alignment to raster added to hatcher - added dot-pair patterns to hatcher - fixed crash when generating support structures in fully enclosed mode - fixed bug in function to try generated correction file in CorrCorrect - fixed bug when saving correction tables with edited geometries in CorrCorrect - fixed bug in function which optimises vectors for marking automatically - fixed bug in selection of default language in machine settings - fixed bug in 3D view, update working/editing area when changed in settings - fixed crash when mark-dialogue functions are disabled via settings - fixed bug in text primary element when using TTF with mapped characters (such as Wingdings) - Linux build issue with E1701A plug-in fixed, now correct and latest versions are contained in package - CorrCorrect: added parameter to single/multiple point function to influence the strength of adjustment 1.4 - added 2D elements "Barcode" and "Text" - added support for mouse-wheel-based zooming - added new process control plug-in which can access the three integrated PID control loops of E1803D - added option to Hatch additional element to hide (complex) hatches from being drawn - speed of generating hatches with patterns instead of lines improved - 3D displaying speed improved - 3D slice-speed increased by up to factor 3 under specific conditions - increased slice-accuracy of 3d models by factor 100 - added new control element to send data via serial port of host computer - added configuration option to move axes via ALT # cursor keys - added function to create bugreport-packages which contain all information required for analysing problems - added support for 3DS (3D Studio) file format - added support for workspaces larger than the scanheads area (to be used for pointclouds) - added support for machine integration via MQTT protocol - import bitmaps as point cloud elements - fixed toolbar height diplaying bug which appeared with higher screen resolutions - fixed synchronisation bug in E1701M stepper motor and Z-shifter plug-in - fixed bug in loading of stored runtime data - fixed displaying bug for motion element - fixed crash when laser was configured to be aligned in/outside of a polygon - fixed bug with sporadic laser output on active pilot laser for E1701A/D, E1803D, RTC3/4/5/6 scanner controller cards - fixed deadlock in E1701M plug-in - fixed bug in Repeat-parameter of Hatch element - fixed correction data centre bug in CorrCorrect 1.3 - added function to move elements in element tree via keyboard - added option in machine settings to force user interface to a specific language - added toolbar button to easily close the connection to all devices - calculate scale-value of selected elements relative to own centre coordinate - new mode to calculate slice and hatch not in advance but right before marking - moved UI, smart factory and user privilege configuration to machine settings - added machine configuration dialogue for all settings and configurations stored locally - added function to multihead mode to define preferred usage for each head - added configuration parameter for 3D mode of E1701A/D/E1803D to optionally enable/disable 3D field correction - added option to motion axis configuration to assign axes to the height of a slice to use its height automatically - added option to configure external projects which are executed once before and once after processing (for (de)initialisation) - new process-control plug-in "Generic analogue temperature" to read temperature via analogue input of scanner card - new plug-in "IO Sync Motor Trigger" to trigger external motion operation via digital signal - new process-control plug-in "Pewatron FCX" to read gas concentration - added option to hatch element to create repeated hatches with angle offset - trace data in Smart Interface extended by identifiers for product and current working piece - added option to export current project in CLI format - added option to check state and IOs of connected scanner controller card(s) - added support for Hermes standard automation interface - fixed bug in spiral element - bug fixed, process-control plug-ins are shut down correctly now - bug fixed in data output handling of G-Code plug-in - bug fixed: plug-ins for E1701A/D and E1803D no longer limit laser on/off delay more than necessary - fixed user privilege management bugs related to mark dialogue and main windows close button - synchronisation bug fixed related to motion plug-ins which make use of scanner controller card - fixed synchronisation bug in E1701M stepper motor and Z-shifter that could cause motion/referencing problems with movement and referencing with some parameters - fixed bug in USB-driver for Win32/E1803D - fixed bug ing setting of frequencies/pulse width for some specific laser types and E1701A/D/E1803D controllers 1.2 - added option to suppress start-up warning message - customisable dimensions of matrix in pen parameter wizard - added support for um-resolution in fieldsize and -position for E1803D, E1701D, RTC6, RTC5 and G-Code plug-in - slicing speed increased - import speed of all 3D model file formats improved - added new state "paused" to Smart Interface - added option to sliced group to perform one single movement instead of complex inter-slice-operations - added option to let the scanner jump to a defined home-position after a marking operation - added hatch distance as parameter to pen parameter wizard - added function to pen parameter wizard to take over the pen-settings matrix as normal project - added missing Z-coordinate and Z-buttons in "Manual" tab-pane of mark dialogue - added key shortcuts to F1 start pilot laser or F3 to start mark operation when marking dialogue is opened - disabled all scanhead-related comboboxes in case of single head application - images of pen parameter wizard and motion buttons now customisable - added option in "Wait for input" element to open a message with freely definable message - added option to E1701P plug-in to define order in which axes have to be referenced - E1701P plug-in now invokes referencing automatically after initialisation - added 2D views (right and front) - faster handling of pen lists in 3D Slice Group in case of huge amount of pens - added Smart Interface for Industry 4.0/Smart Factory applications - number of pulses used for a dot shown in pen-settings - added support for USC-3 scanner controller card - added support for 3MF 3D file format - fixed bug in fiber laser handling of RTC3/RTC4/RTC5/RTC6 - fixed bug in "End offset" slicing parameter - fixed bug in maximum speed check of E1701M and E1701P plug-ins - bug fixed when submitting single 3D coordinate to scanner card - speed bug fixed when jumping to single scanner position out of mark dialogue - fixed bug when displaying slice that is currently sent to the controller - fixed crash when deleting unused pens - fixed bug in "try correction" function of CorrCorrect - fixed bug in option to auto-slice 3D-meshes - fixed bug in slice-end offset of 3D slice groups 1.1 - added support for OFF 3D file format - imported 3D models can be used as support structure now - added drawing functions for simple geometries - added extrude function to convert 2D geometries into 3D meshes - control elements and geometry elements separated into own toolbar groups each - added support for Ubuntu amd64 - fixed Undo/Redo/New functions - fixed error/information message bug, all messages are shown now - fixed bug in hatcher which could lead to missing lines 1.0 - initial release